Susan Miller
Susan Miller  ‎(I148)‎
Given Names: Susan
Surname: Miller

Gender: FemaleFemale

Birth: 24 February 1824 24 24 , , South Carolina
Death: 24 September 1890 ‎(Age 66)‎
Personal Facts and Details
Birth 24 February 1824 24 24 , , South Carolina

Show Details Source: 1920 census- United States

  Text: 1821478

Show Details Note: Headstone reads:
Susan Miller Davis
wife of
Lorenzo Dow Davis
Feb 24, 1824
Sept 24, 1890

Census 7 October 1850 ‎(Age 26)‎ , Lumpkin, Georgia

Show Details Source: 1850 United States Federal Census

Citation Details:  Georgia, Lumpkin, Davis District, page 55, Dwelling 77
  Text: LD Davis, 33, M, Farmer, born Ga
Susan, 24, F, born SC ‎[hard to read]‎
Daniel, 4, M, born Ga
Delila, 2, F, born Ga
Joseph, 1/12, M, born Ga

Census 1870 ‎(Age 45)‎ Dahlonega, Lumpkin, Georgia

Show Details Source: 1870 U.S. Census

  Text: 1870 US Census, Georgia, Lumpkin County, Dahlonega, page 80
Dwelling 641, Family 651
Davis, Susan, age 45, F, W, Keeping House, real estate 5000, personal estate 800, born South Carolina
Daniel, age 23, M, W, Farmer, born Georgia, voter
Delilah, age 21, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Joseph, age 18, M, W, Farm laborer, born Georgia, attended school in year
Hannah, age 17, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Susan, age 15, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Lorenzo, age 13, M, W, At home, born Georgia
Barilla, age 11, F, W, At home, born Georgia
Miller, age 10, M, W, At home, born Georgia
Earle, age 9, M, W, At home, born Georgia

Census 1880 ‎(Age 55)‎ Davis, Lumpkin, Georgia

Show Details Source: 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
  Text: Susan DAVIS Self W Female W 52 SC Farmer SC SC
Susan DAVIS Dau S Female W 22 GA At Home GA SC
Miller DAVIS Son S Male W 20 GA Works On Farm GA SC
Earl DAVIS Son S Male W 18 GA Works On Farm GA SC
Brilla DAVIS Dau W Female W 21 GA At Home GA SC
Daniel DAVIS GSon S Male W 2 GA GA GA

Source Information:
Census Place Davis, Lumpkin, Georgia
Family History Library Film 1254156
NA Film Number T9-0156
Page Number 310A

Death 24 September 1890 ‎(Age 66)‎

Show Details Note: Headstone reads:
Susan Miller Davis
wife of
Lorenzo Dow Davis
Feb 24, 1824
Sept 24, 1890

Last Change 17 January 2016 - 21:20:20 - by: melissa
View Details for ...

Parents Family  (F3058)
Archibald Miller
1800 - 1878
Hannah McCallum
1800 -
Susan Miller
1824 - 1890
Margaret Miller
1821 - 1902
Bailus E Miller
Empson W Miller
1825 -
Jane Miller
1830 -
Harriet Miller
1832 -
John B Miller
1834 -
Daniel F Miller
1836 -

Immediate Family  (F51)
Lorenzo Dow Davis
1817 - 1862
Daniel Davis
1846 -
Delilah L. Davis
1848 - 1935
Joseph Warren Davis
1850 -
Hannah Elizabeth Davis
1854 - 1932
Susan Davis
1856 -
Brilla D. Davis
1859 -
Lorenzo Davis
1857 -
Miller Davis
1860 -
Elias Earl Davis
1861 -
Ranus Davis


Shared Note
Archibald Miller will transcript:

From Wills, 1836-1922 ‎(Bartow County, Georgia)‎; Author: Georgia. Court of Ordinary ‎(Bartow County)‎; Probate Place: Bartow, Georgia Source Information Georgia, Wills and Probate Records, 1742-1992 ‎[database on-line]‎. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Georgia County, District and Probate Courts.

‎[Page]‎ 444
State of Georgia
Gordon County
In the name of God, Amen.
I, Archibald Miller, of said County & State,
being of advanced age, and knowing that I must shortly
depart this life, deem it right and proper, both as respects
myself and my family, that I should make disposition
of the property with which a kind Providence has blessed
me, do therefore make this my last will and testament
hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me.
Item 1st. I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent
and Christian like manner, Suitable to my circumstances and
condition in life, my soul I trust shall return to rest with
God, Who gave it.
Item 2nd. I desire and direct that all my past debt, be paid, without delay,
by my Executor herein after appointed, as I am unwilling my
creditors should be delayed in their right, especially as there
is no necessity for delay.
Item 3rd. I give, bequeath, and devise to my beloved wife Hannah, with
whom I have lived in the strictest quick for fifty two years,
a note of hand against T.C. Griffin for One Thousand
Dollars, bearing interest from date of said note, said
note predicated upon sale of my Oostanola ‎[Oostanaula]‎ Home farm,
it being a portion of the purchase money, said farm sold
for., I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife, the two
town lots situated in the town of Calhoun said State
and County aforesaid, if unsold at my death, to be sold
by my Executor, herein after appointed, and the money
arising from the Sale of the same, to be paid over to my
beloved wife, Hannah, for her Special benefit and
behoof, by Said executor.
Item 4th. I give, bequeath and devise to my daughter Margaret Manny
widow, two hundred and twenty five dollars, Cash.
5th Item. I give, bequeath and devise to my daughter Susan Davis
a widow also, Five Hundred dollars, as follows, I hold a 
note bearing interest against the said Susan Davis,
my said daughter, for two hundred dollars, also a note
of fifty dollars against Daniel Davis, said Susan
Davis' son, both notes amounting to two hundred
and fifty dollars, and said two hundred and fifty
dollars, to be taken from Said five hundred dollars,
leaving the devise to my said daughter Susan Davis
over and above said notes, Two Hundred & fifty Dollars
Said notes above described to be given up to said
Susan Davis as above.
‎[Page]‎ 445
6th Item. I give, bequeath and devise to my son, Empson W. Miller, Five
hundred Dollars, as follows, to wit Said Empson W. Miller
has received and enjoyed the above amount of five
hundred Dollars in Cash, and for which I hold an
open account against him for the same, and also
an open account of One hundred and twenty five
in addition. I therefore devise to him said
Empson W. Miller Said above accounts, as his entire
Share of my estate, and in line of the said Five
hundred bequeathed in this said Item No. 6.
7th Item. I give bequeath and devise to my daughter Jane Terry, wife of
William C. Terry, and all her children free from the disposition
of her present, or any future husband, Five Hundred
Dollars, in Cash.
8th Item. Whereas my son Bailus E. Miller has received and Enjoyed
him and his wife and children in Cash, twenty five
hundred Dollars, Which said account I hereby give
and bequeath to them.
9th Item. I give and bequeath and devise to my daughter Harriet, Single
and unmarried in addition for her most faithfull af-
fectionate, and most valuable services rendered me,
in sickness and in health, and all her attention to all of the 
domestic duties of my family for her zeal and great
devotion at all times to supply all my wants and comforts
through life. One Thousand Dollars. Cash.
10th Item. I give bequeath and devise to my son Daniel H. Miller
two hundred Dollars in addition to what he has
already received.
11th Item. The residue of my property Viz. Beds. Bed clothing house-
hold and kitchen furniture and all personal where-
wherever and whatever it may be including that given to
my beloved wife Hannah to be her own right and
property, for and during her natural life, and
after death to go and descend to my beloved 
daugher Harriet, Single and unmarried, for 
her Special benefit and behoof, forever.
12th Item. I hereby constitute and appoint my worth friend
N.J. Boaze. Executor of this my last will and
testament. This 27th April 1872.
Archibald X his mark Miller
Signed, Sealed, declared and published by
Archibald Miller as his last will and testament.
‎[Page]‎ 446
in the presence of us the Subscribers, who Subscribed our
names hereto, in the presence of said testator, at his
Special instance and request, and of each other this
27th day of April 1872.
Joseph J. Printuss
Berry G. Boazo
Joseph W. Barrett

State of Georgia
Bartow County
Whereas I , Archibald Miller, did on the twenty
seventh ‎(27)‎ day of April Eighteen Hundred
and Seventy two, Sign Seal declare and publish my last
will and testament, in the presence of Joseph J. Printuss
Berry G. Boaze and Joseph W. Bassett, who signed the said
will and testament as witnesses, and whereas I am desirous
of altering and changing bequest and devises in the 
Seventh, Ninth and Tenth articles of said will, and
to satisfy Omissions therein. I therefore make and publish
this Codicil to said will and testament.
1st I Revoke and Annull the 7th article of said will
So far as relates to five hundred dollars in cash.
Secondly, I give bequeath and devise a half interest
in a lot of land, being a part of lots numbers ten
and Eleven, in the Sixteenth district and third section
of Bartow County, Said lot containing one hundred
and thirty five acres, more or less, to my daughter
Jane Terry, wife of William C. Terry, and all her 
children, free from the disposition of her present
or any future husband.
3rd. I revoke and annull the Ninth article of said will
So far as relates to One Thousand Dollars in Cash.
4th I give bequeath and devise to my daughter, Harriet
 Single and Unmarried, One half interest in the lot of land
being part of lots numbers ten and eleven, in the
Sixteenth District and third section Bartow County
Containing One hundred and thirty five acres,
More or less.
5th. I revoke and annull the tenth article so far as relates
to the two hundred dollars to my son Daniel F. 
6th. I give bequeath and devise to my son Daniel F. Miller
the account I hold against him for three hundred 
dollars cash advanced, and also the amount
I paid for College Expenses.
‎[Page]‎ 447
7th I give and bequeath and devise to my daughter Susan Davis
the note of two hundred Dollars I hold against her.
Archibald X his mark Miller
Signed, Sealed, declared and published by Archibald Miller
as a Codicil to his will and testament of the 27th April 1872
in the presence of the undersigned, who Subscribed
our names hereto in the presence  of said testator and 
at his special instance and request and in the 
presence of each other. Feby 12th 1874.
J.M. Davidson
J.P. Kinman
W. H. Bearden 

Filed in Office June 4th 1878
J.A. Howard Ordinary
Recorded February 19th 1879
J.A. Howard Ordinary

Birth Headstone reads:
Susan Miller Davis
wife of
Lorenzo Dow Davis
Feb 24, 1824
Sept 24, 1890
Death of spouse Headstone reads:
Lorenzo Dow Davis
July 25, 1817
Aug. 10, 1862
Death Headstone reads:
Susan Miller Davis
wife of
Lorenzo Dow Davis
Feb 24, 1824
Sept 24, 1890

View Notes for ...


Old Cherokee Families: Old Families And Their Genealogy
Publication: Norman, Oklahoma: University Of Oklahoma Foundation, 1968
  Text: Page 311

Show Details Note: This book is a reprint of some chapters from Emmet Starr's book entitled History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folklore, Oklahoma City: 1921. ‎(HBLL call # E 99 .C5S8 1969)‎
J.J. Hill compiled the index and put together the reprint edition.

Birth 1920 census- United States
  Text: 1821478
Census 1850 United States Federal Census
Citation Details:  Georgia, Lumpkin, Davis District, page 55, Dwelling 77
  Text: LD Davis, 33, M, Farmer, born Ga
Susan, 24, F, born SC ‎[hard to read]‎
Daniel, 4, M, born Ga
Delila, 2, F, born Ga
Joseph, 1/12, M, born Ga
Census 1870 U.S. Census
  Text: 1870 US Census, Georgia, Lumpkin County, Dahlonega, page 80
Dwelling 641, Family 651
Davis, Susan, age 45, F, W, Keeping House, real estate 5000, personal estate 800, born South Carolina
Daniel, age 23, M, W, Farmer, born Georgia, voter
Delilah, age 21, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Joseph, age 18, M, W, Farm laborer, born Georgia, attended school in year
Hannah, age 17, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Susan, age 15, F, W, No occupation, born Georgia
Lorenzo, age 13, M, W, At home, born Georgia
Barilla, age 11, F, W, At home, born Georgia
Miller, age 10, M, W, At home, born Georgia
Earle, age 9, M, W, At home, born Georgia
Census 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
  Text: Susan DAVIS Self W Female W 52 SC Farmer SC SC
Susan DAVIS Dau S Female W 22 GA At Home GA SC
Miller DAVIS Son S Male W 20 GA Works On Farm GA SC
Earl DAVIS Son S Male W 18 GA Works On Farm GA SC
Brilla DAVIS Dau W Female W 21 GA At Home GA SC
Daniel DAVIS GSon S Male W 2 GA GA GA

Source Information:
Census Place Davis, Lumpkin, Georgia
Family History Library Film 1254156
NA Film Number T9-0156
Page Number 310A

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Multimedia Object
MillerDavisSusanMillerDavisSusan  ‎(M445)‎
Type: Photo

Show Details Source: Portrait or Photo

Citation Details:  Photo shared on by Brandi Rae Monzingo and shared by several individuals on Accessed 10 October 2015.

Multimedia Object
Susan Miller Davis' GravestoneSusan Miller Davis' Gravestone  ‎(M58)‎
Type: Photo

View Media for ...

Family with Parents
Archibald Miller ‎(I7299)‎
Birth 1800 , , South Carolina, USA
Death 1878 ‎(Age 78)‎ , Bartow, Georgia, USA
Hannah McCallum ‎(I7300)‎
Birth 1800 , , South Carolina, USA
Susan Miller ‎(I148)‎
Birth 24 February 1824 24 24 , , South Carolina
Death 24 September 1890 ‎(Age 66)‎
-3 years
Margaret Miller ‎(I7301)‎
Birth 1821 21 21 , , South Carolina, USA
Death 1902 ‎(Age 81)‎ , , Georgia, USA
Empson W Miller ‎(I7307)‎
Birth 1825 25 25 , , South Carolina, USA
5 years
Jane Miller ‎(I7302)‎
Birth 1830 30 30 , , South Carolina, USA
2 years
Harriet Miller ‎(I7303)‎
Birth 1832 32 32 , , South Carolina, USA
2 years
John B Miller ‎(I7304)‎
Birth 1834 34 34 , , South Carolina, USA
2 years
Daniel F Miller ‎(I7305)‎
Birth 1836 36 36 , , South Carolina, USA
Family with Lorenzo Dow Davis
Lorenzo Dow Davis ‎(I147)‎
Birth 25 July 1817 32 , Lumpkin, Georgia, USA
Death 10 August 1862 ‎(Age 45)‎ , Lumpkin, Georgia, USA
7 years

Susan Miller ‎(I148)‎
Birth 24 February 1824 24 24 , , South Carolina
Death 24 September 1890 ‎(Age 66)‎
Daniel Davis ‎(I156)‎
Birth about 1846 28 21
3 years
Delilah L. Davis ‎(I149)‎
Birth 28 September 1848 31 24 , Lumpkin, Georgia, USA
Death 20 November 1935 ‎(Age 87)‎ Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USA
15 months
Joseph Warren Davis ‎(I152)‎
Birth about 1850 32 25 Adair, Mayes, Oklahoma
4 years
Hannah Elizabeth Davis ‎(I136)‎
Birth 3 May 1854 36 30 , , Georgia
Death 26 June 1932 ‎(Age 78)‎
20 months
Susan Davis ‎(I150)‎
Birth about 1856 38 31 Atlanta, , Georgia
3 years
Brilla D. Davis ‎(I151)‎
Birth about 1859 41 34 Dahlonega, Lumpkin, Georgia
-2 years
Lorenzo Davis ‎(I295)‎
Birth about 1857 39 32 , , Georgia
3 years
Miller Davis ‎(I154)‎
Birth about 1860 42 35 Cuthbert, , Georgia
1 year
Elias Earl Davis ‎(I153)‎
Birth about 1861 43 36 Dahlonega, Lumpkin, Georgia

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