John Peter LOWER
Sketch of John P Lower
John Peter LOWER  ‎(I6631)‎
Given Names: John Peter
Surname: LOWER

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 4 April 1811 35 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Death: 21 March 1892 ‎(Age 80)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Personal Facts and Details
Birth 4 April 1811 35 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania

Marriage Christina Snyder - 12 November 1833 ‎(Age 22)‎ , Holmes, Ohio

Note: Article says they were married in 1832
Census 1850 ‎(Age 38)‎ Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Show Details Source: 1850 United States Federal Census

  Text: Ohio, Coshocton County, Crawford Township

Page 300, Dwelling 237, Family 237
John P. Lower 38 M Farmer 1000 Pa. Illiterate
Christina 37 F Ohio Illiterate
Benjamin 15 M Farmer Ohio Attended School
Mary 13 F Ohio Attended School
Moses 12 M Ohio Attended School
Sophia 9 F Ohio Attended School
Annis 7 F Ohio Attended School
Daniel 5 M Ohio Attended School
Christina 3 F Ohio

Census 1860 ‎(Age 48)‎ Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Show Details Source: 1860 United States Federal Census

  Text: 1860 Census
Ohio, Coshocton, Crawford Twp.
Page 86, Dwelling 611, Family 602

Jno Lower 49 M Farmer 4500 45 PA
Christina 48 F Pa
Mary 20 F D O
Moses 20 M Laborer O
Sophia 18 F D O
Amos 17 M F L ‎(Farm Laborer)‎ O
Dnl 14 M O
Christina 11 F O
Eliz 9 F O

Census 1880 ‎(Age 68)‎ Crawford, Coshocton, Ohio, USA

Show Details Source: 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
Citation Details:  Page: 61A, Call Number/URL: FHL 1255003
  Date of entry in original source: 1880
  Text: Crawford, Coshocton, Ohio, 1880 US Census
Name: John P. LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 69, Relationship: Self, Widowed/Divorced, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Farmer, Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Mary LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 42, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Daniel LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 34, Relationship: Son, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Works on Farm, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Christena LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 31, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Elisabeth LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 29, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
, Color: W

Occupation Farmer

Show Details Source: 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
Citation Details:  Page: 61A, Call Number/URL: FHL 1255003
  Date of entry in original source: 1880
  Text: Crawford, Coshocton, Ohio, 1880 US Census
Name: John P. LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 69, Relationship: Self, Widowed/Divorced, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Farmer, Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Mary LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 42, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Daniel LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 34, Relationship: Son, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Works on Farm, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Christena LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 31, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Elisabeth LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 29, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
, Color: W

Death 21 March 1892 ‎(Age 80)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Burial Halifax Cemetary, Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Religion Evangelical Church Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Show Details Source: The Semi-Weekly, Coshocton, Ohio -- Tuesday, April 6, 1886

  Text: See notes of John P. Lower for transcription.

Reference NumberFamilySearch

Last Change 2 November 2009 - 15:45:46 - by: john
View Details for ...

Parents Family  (F2850)
1775 -
Catherine ‎(unknown)‎
- 1819
1804 - 1877
John Peter LOWER
1811 - 1892
1817 -

Step-Parent Family  (F2883)
1775 -
Rebecca ‎(unknown)‎
- 1830
Luisana LOWER
1825 -
Jacob Peter LOWER
1827 - 1898

Immediate Family  (F2885)
Christina Snyder
1815 - 1869
Catharine LOWER
- 1850
Benjamin J LOWER
1835 - 1886
1837 - 1881
1838 - 1921
- 1863
Sophia LOWER
1842 - 1900
1843 - 1864
Daniel J LOWER
1846 - 1918
Christina LOWER
1848 - 1931
Elizabeth "Lizzie" LOWER
1851 - 1916


One of three brothers who came to Coshocton from Pennsylvania 81 years old
when died.

His mother died when he was 8.
His step-mother died in 1830.

Moved west from PA in 1830.

The Semi-Weekly Coshocton Ohio
Tuesday, April 6, 1886

"A Crawford Tp. Pioneer.
John P. Lower

'Give Honor to whom honor is due.' In looking up the history of the grand old man of Crawford Township, we find, surrounded by all the comforts and conveniences necessary to the happiness of ripe old age, John P. Lower, the oldest pioneer. He was born in Northumberland County, PA, April 4, 1811. In his youth he knew nothing but labor. He was early trained to swing the pioneer's ax before which the forests whithered away, he flourished the sickle as he reaped the golden grain, and beneath the harvest sun, he marched quick-step to the music of the scythe. Luxary. extravagence, and riotous living were never known to him.
His educational facilities were limited to a subscription school at his native place in a log cabin where brawn instead of brain sat in the preceptors chair, in the birch was the 'power behind the throne.' But being apt and of a determined cast of mind, with a good share of native talent, he has succeeded in obtaining a fair education. He is well informed and intelligent. Like most men of his day and generation he is more practical than theoretical. His success seems to emphasize the maxim, 'where there is a will there is a way.' In the spring of 1830 he removed west to his present home, then a howling wilderness pathless and solitary. His companions were, 'dark clouds by day and stars by night.' Not deeming it prudent to 'tread the wine press alone,' he took unto himself in 1832, Christina Snyder, who for thirty-six years shared with him the most genial rays of prosperity as well as the bitterest blasts of adversity. He is the father of ten children, five sons and five daughters. Vis: Catherine, Benjamin, Mary, Moses, John, Sophia, Enos, Daniel J, Christena, and Lizzie. Benjamin, Moses, and Enos, served in the civil war. Moses is a practicing physician at Antigo, Wis.
His mother departed this life when he was eight years old. His step-mother died in 1830, February 25, 1869, Death rode upon the icy wing of winter and called away his wife. Of the children, Catherine, Mary, Enos, Benjamin, and John have fallen by the hand of death.
Mr. Lower took great delight in hunting many a time the silence of the wilderness was broken by the report of his gun as he chased the panting deer. The bear stolled unmolested through the forest; the deer visited the 'lick' unscared; the smoke from the red man's fireplace rose gracefully above the cabin. In the midst of these he planted a beautiful home.
He has been a member of the evangelical church for thirty years. As his robust constitution indicates, he is strictly temperent in all things; regular in his habits; straight-forward and generous in all his dealing with his fellow men, the result of which is a long life of peace, happiness, and prosperity.
L. and C. "
Marriage Article says they were married in 1832
Marriage Article says they were married in 1832

View Notes for ...

Census 1850 United States Federal Census
  Text: Ohio, Coshocton County, Crawford Township

Page 300, Dwelling 237, Family 237
John P. Lower 38 M Farmer 1000 Pa. Illiterate
Christina 37 F Ohio Illiterate
Benjamin 15 M Farmer Ohio Attended School
Mary 13 F Ohio Attended School
Moses 12 M Ohio Attended School
Sophia 9 F Ohio Attended School
Annis 7 F Ohio Attended School
Daniel 5 M Ohio Attended School
Christina 3 F Ohio
Census 1860 United States Federal Census
  Text: 1860 Census
Ohio, Coshocton, Crawford Twp.
Page 86, Dwelling 611, Family 602

Jno Lower 49 M Farmer 4500 45 PA
Christina 48 F Pa
Mary 20 F D O
Moses 20 M Laborer O
Sophia 18 F D O
Amos 17 M F L ‎(Farm Laborer)‎ O
Dnl 14 M O
Christina 11 F O
Eliz 9 F O
Death of spouse The Semi-Weekly, Coshocton, Ohio -- Tuesday, April 6, 1886
  Text: Death date is listed in the article. See notes of John P. Lower for transcription.
Census 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
Citation Details:  Page: 61A, Call Number/URL: FHL 1255003
  Date of entry in original source: 1880
  Text: Crawford, Coshocton, Ohio, 1880 US Census
Name: John P. LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 69, Relationship: Self, Widowed/Divorced, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Farmer, Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Mary LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 42, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Daniel LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 34, Relationship: Son, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Works on Farm, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Christena LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 31, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Elisabeth LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 29, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
, Color: W
Occupation 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
Citation Details:  Page: 61A, Call Number/URL: FHL 1255003
  Date of entry in original source: 1880
  Text: Crawford, Coshocton, Ohio, 1880 US Census
Name: John P. LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 69, Relationship: Self, Widowed/Divorced, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Farmer, Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Mary LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 42, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Daniel LOWER, Color: W, Sex: M, Age: 34, Relationship: Son, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: Works on Farm, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Christena LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 31, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
Name: Elisabeth LOWER, Color: W, Sex: F, Age: 29, Relationship: Dau, Single, Profession, Occupation or Trade: At Home, Place of birth: Ohio, Father's Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Mother's Place of birth: Pennsylvania
, Color: W
Religion The Semi-Weekly, Coshocton, Ohio -- Tuesday, April 6, 1886
  Text: See notes of John P. Lower for transcription.

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Multimedia Object
Sketch of John P LowerSketch of John P Lower  ‎(M7)‎

Note: This sketch was taken from an article in the Crawford Towship semi-weekly paper, printed in an article about him as an early area pioneer.
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Family with Parents
Peter LOWER ‎(I6555)‎
Birth 17 December 1775 23 21 , , Pennsylvania, USA
Death , , Pennsylvania, USA
Eva R LOWER ‎(I6630)‎
Birth about 1804 28
Death 1877 ‎(Age 73)‎ , Coshocton, Ohio
7 years
John Peter LOWER ‎(I6631)‎
Birth 4 April 1811 35 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Death 21 March 1892 ‎(Age 80)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
7 years
Sarah LOWER ‎(I6632)‎
Birth 14 November 1817 41 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Father's Family with Rebecca ‎(unknown)‎
Peter LOWER ‎(I6555)‎
Birth 17 December 1775 23 21 , , Pennsylvania, USA
Death , , Pennsylvania, USA
Rebecca ‎(unknown)‎ ‎(I6633)‎
Birth , , Pennsylvania
Death 1830 , , Pennsylvania

Marriage:   -- Lower Mahoney Twp., Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Luisana LOWER ‎(I6634)‎
Birth 1825 49 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
3 years
Jacob Peter LOWER ‎(I6635)‎
Birth 27 June 1827 51 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Death 22 September 1898 ‎(Age 71)‎ Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Family with Christina Snyder
John Peter LOWER ‎(I6631)‎
Birth 4 April 1811 35 , Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Death 21 March 1892 ‎(Age 80)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
4 years
Christina Snyder ‎(I6637)‎
Birth 12 March 1815 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 25 February 1869 ‎(Age 53)‎ Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio

Marriage: 12 November 1833 -- , Holmes, Ohio
Catharine LOWER ‎(I6638)‎
Birth Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death before 1850
Benjamin J LOWER ‎(I6639)‎
Birth 1835 23 19 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death before 1886 ‎(Age 51)‎ , Coshocton, Ohio
3 years
Mary LOWER ‎(I6640)‎
Birth 18 October 1837 26 22 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 5 September 1881 ‎(Age 43)‎ Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
2 months
Moses J LOWER ‎(I6641)‎
Birth 1838 26 22 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 6 November 1921 ‎(Age 83)‎ , Williams, Ohio
John LOWER ‎(I6642)‎
Death July 1863 Coshocton Co, Ohio
Sophia LOWER ‎(I29)‎
Birth 8 March 1842 30 26 Bethlehem, Coshocton, Ohio
Death 26 March 1900 ‎(Age 58)‎ Bethlehem, Coshocton, Ohio
10 months
Enos J LOWER ‎(I6643)‎
Birth 1843 31 27 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 30 January 1864 ‎(Age 21)‎ Richmond, , Virginia
3 years
Daniel J LOWER ‎(I6644)‎
Birth 1846 34 30 Crawford Twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 7 October 1918 ‎(Age 72)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
2 years
Christina LOWER ‎(I6645)‎
Birth 1848 36 32 Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
Death 1931 ‎(Age 83)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio
3 years
Elizabeth "Lizzie" LOWER ‎(I6646)‎
Birth 1851 39 35
Death 29 February 1916 ‎(Age 65)‎ Crawford twp., Coshocton, Ohio

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