William Thomas Stevens
William Thomas Stevens 1954
William Thomas Stevens  ‎(I141)‎
Given Names: William Thomas
Surname: Stevens

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 6 February 1871 20 20 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky
Death: 28 October 1958 ‎(Age 87)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Personal Facts and Details
Birth 6 February 1871 20 20 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky

Show Details Source: 1900 U.S. Census

  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Mt Eden Magesterial District #2, ED 83,Sheet 7B Page 0766, Dwelling 131, Family 136
Stevens, William W M Feb 1871 29 Married 9 years Born KY Father KYMother KY Farmer literate English, Own home free, farm
Nora, wife, W, F, Sep 1873 26 Married 9 years Born KY Father KY MotherKY literate English
Edna dau W F Feb 1892 8 single Born KY Father KY Mother KY AttendedSchool 3 months
Henry son W M May 1893 7 single born KY father KY mother KY AttendedSchool 0 months
Richard son W M Dec 1895 4 single born Ky father KY mother KY
Willard son W M Jun 1897 2 single born KY father KY mother KY
Jerry S. brother W M Oct 1880 19 single born KY father KY mother KYfarmer literate English own free farm

Census 1880 ‎(Age 8)‎ , Spencer, Kentucky

Show Details Source: 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Precinct #2, ED 177, Sheet 17B, Dwelling 128, Family 128
Stevens, Richard K. W M 29 Married Farmer born KY father KY mother KY
Anne W F 28 wife married Keeping house born Ky father KY mother KY
William W M 9 son single can't read or write born KY father KY mother KY
James S. W M 7 son single can't read or write born KY father KY mother KY
Minie L. W F 6 dau single born KY father KY mother KY

Marriage Nora Gray - 30 April 1891 ‎(Age 20)‎ , Spencer, Kentucky

Show Details Source: Marriage Certificate

Citation Details:  Kentucky, Spencer County Marriage Records, 1824-1911, FHL Film 482645
  Text: This is to certify that on the 30th day of April 1891 the Rites of Marriage were legally solemnized by me between William Thomas Stevens and Nora Gray at Abe Gray in the County of Spencer in the presence of Larence Newman, Thomas Cotton. Signed H.P . Hatchett, M.G.

Census 1900 ‎(Age 28)‎ , Spencer, Kentucky

Show Details Source: 1900 U.S. Census

  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Mt Eden Magesterial District #2, ED 83,Sheet 7B Page 0766, Dwelling 131, Family 136
Stevens, William W M Feb 1871 29 Married 9 years Born KY Father KYMother KY Farmer literate English, Own home free, farm
Nora, wife, W, F, Sep 1873 26 Married 9 years Born KY Father KY MotherKY literate English
Edna dau W F Feb 1892 8 single Born KY Father KY Mother KY AttendedSchool 3 months
Henry son W M May 1893 7 single born KY father KY mother KY AttendedSchool 0 months
Richard son W M Dec 1895 4 single born Ky father KY mother KY
Willard son W M Jun 1897 2 single born KY father KY mother KY
Jerry S. brother W M Oct 1880 19 single born KY father KY mother KYfarmer literate English own free farm

Census 1910 ‎(Age 38)‎ Greeley Twp., Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Show Details Source: 1910 U.S. Census

  Text: Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Greeley Twp., vol. 048, ED 0193, sheet 0123.
Steavens William T head w‎[hite]‎ age 38 married 18 years born Kentucky father KY mother KY speaks English Head Clerk
Nora w‎[ife]‎ 37 married 18 years mother of 8 children, 8 children living, born Kentucky father KY mother KY
Bessie d‎[aughter]‎ 10 single Kentucky father KY mother KY
Henry s‎[on]‎ 16 single Kentucky father KY mother KY teamster
Willard H s‎[on]‎ 13 single Kentucky father KY mother KY laborer
Richard s‎[on]‎ 14 single Kentucky father KY mother KY teamster
Alice d‎[aughter]‎ 7 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Lee s‎[on]‎ 5 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Roger G. s‎[on]‎ 2 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY

Census 1920 ‎(Age 48)‎ Greeley Twp., Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Show Details Source: 1920 census- United States

  Text: Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Greeley Township vol 46 ED 108 sheet 20line 98 Dwelling 424 Family 438
Stevens William w‎[hite]‎ age 48 married literate born Kentucky fatherKY mother KY farmer
Nora w‎[ife]‎ 46 married literate Kentucky father KY mother KY
Richard s‎[on]‎ 24 single literate Kentucky father KY mother KY laborer
Willard s‎[on]‎ 22 single Kentucky father KY mother KY farmer
Alice d‎[aughter]‎ 16 single attended school literate Oklahoma father KYmother KY student
Lee s‎[on]‎ 14 attended school literate Oklahoma father Ky mother KY
Rodger s‎[on]‎ 11 attended school literate Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Erma d‎[aughter]‎ 7 attended school literate Oklahoma father KY motherKY

Census 1930 ‎(Age 58)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Show Details Source: 1930 United States Census

  Text: 1930 United States Census, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Ward 4, 3705 Shields Blvd., Household 298, Family 335
Stevens, William T., Head, O‎[wn]‎, 6000, M, W, age 59, M‎[arried]‎, age 20, no, yes, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 80, yes, Grocery, Grocery Store, 9x91, E, yes
Nora, wife, F, W, age 57, M‎[arried]‎, age 17, no, yes, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 80, yes, none
Roger G., son, M, W, age 22, S, yes, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, salesman, Grocery, 4590, W, yes
Erma J., daughter, F, W, age 17, S, yes, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, none
Lee, son, M, W, age 25, M‎[arried]‎, age 19, no, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, time keeper, Motor Co., 7x22, W, yes
Ruth, da-in-law, F, W, age 23, M‎[arried]‎ age 17, no, yes, born Oklahoma, father born Missouri, mother born Missouri, 86, yes, none
Ronald L., gr. son, M, W, age 5, S, yes, born Oklahoma, father Oklahoma, mother Oklahoma, 86, yes, none

Marriage Ruth Walker - 20 February 1941 ‎(Age 70)‎
Death 28 October 1958 ‎(Age 87)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Note: Died at the Capitol Hill Hospital.
Burial 1958 ‎(Age 86)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Note: Sunnylane Cemetery
Last Change 24 July 2005 - 18:08:08 - by: melissa
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Parents Family  (F56)
Richard K. Stevens
1850 - 1893
Martha Ann Cotton
1850 - 1934
William Thomas Stevens
1871 - 1958
James S. Stevens
1872 -
Minnie Lee Stevens
1873 - 1948
Jery E. Stevens
1880 -

Immediate Family  (F32)
Nora Gray
1873 - 1938
Edna Stevens
1892 - 1989
Henry Stevens
1894 - 1960
Richard Abraham Stevens
1895 - 1972
Willard Hanson Stevens
1897 - 1961
Bessie Stevens
1900 - 1983
Alice Stevens
1903 - 1996
Willie Lee Stevens
1905 - 1975
Rogers Gray Stevens
1908 - 1990
Erma Jane Stevens
1912 - 1990

Immediate Family  (F57)
Ruth Walker
- 1967

Death Died at the Capitol Hill Hospital.
Burial Sunnylane Cemetery

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Birth 1900 U.S. Census
  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Mt Eden Magesterial District #2, ED 83,Sheet 7B Page 0766, Dwelling 131, Family 136
Stevens, William W M Feb 1871 29 Married 9 years Born KY Father KYMother KY Farmer literate English, Own home free, farm
Nora, wife, W, F, Sep 1873 26 Married 9 years Born KY Father KY MotherKY literate English
Edna dau W F Feb 1892 8 single Born KY Father KY Mother KY AttendedSchool 3 months
Henry son W M May 1893 7 single born KY father KY mother KY AttendedSchool 0 months
Richard son W M Dec 1895 4 single born Ky father KY mother KY
Willard son W M Jun 1897 2 single born KY father KY mother KY
Jerry S. brother W M Oct 1880 19 single born KY father KY mother KYfarmer literate English own free farm
Census 1880 United States Census
Publication: Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, July 14, 2003
  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Precinct #2, ED 177, Sheet 17B, Dwelling 128, Family 128
Stevens, Richard K. W M 29 Married Farmer born KY father KY mother KY
Anne W F 28 wife married Keeping house born Ky father KY mother KY
William W M 9 son single can't read or write born KY father KY mother KY
James S. W M 7 son single can't read or write born KY father KY mother KY
Minie L. W F 6 dau single born KY father KY mother KY
Marriage Marriage Certificate
Citation Details:  Kentucky, Spencer County Marriage Records, 1824-1911, FHL Film 482645
  Text: This is to certify that on the 30th day of April 1891 the Rites of Marriage were legally solemnized by me between William Thomas Stevens and Nora Gray at Abe Gray in the County of Spencer in the presence of Larence Newman, Thomas Cotton. Signed H.P . Hatchett, M.G.
Marriage Marriage Certificate
Citation Details:  Kentucky, Spencer County Marriage Records, 1824-1911, FHL Film 482645
  Text: This is to certify that on the 30th day of April 1891 the Rites of Marriage were legally solemnized by me between William Thomas Stevens and Nora Gray at Abe Gray in the County of Spencer in the presence of Larence Newman, Thomas Cotton. Signed H.P . Hatchett, M.G.
Marriage Marriage Certificate
Citation Details:  Kentucky, Spencer County Marriage Records, 1824-1911, FHL Film 482645
  Text: This is to certify that on the 30th day of April 1891 the Rites of Marriage were legally solemnized by me between William Thomas Stevens and Nora Gray at Abe Gray in the County of Spencer in the presence of Larence Newman, Thomas Cotton. Signed H.P . Hatchett, M.G.
Census 1900 U.S. Census
  Text: Kentucky, Spencer County, Mt Eden Magesterial District #2, ED 83,Sheet 7B Page 0766, Dwelling 131, Family 136
Stevens, William W M Feb 1871 29 Married 9 years Born KY Father KYMother KY Farmer literate English, Own home free, farm
Nora, wife, W, F, Sep 1873 26 Married 9 years Born KY Father KY MotherKY literate English
Edna dau W F Feb 1892 8 single Born KY Father KY Mother KY AttendedSchool 3 months
Henry son W M May 1893 7 single born KY father KY mother KY AttendedSchool 0 months
Richard son W M Dec 1895 4 single born Ky father KY mother KY
Willard son W M Jun 1897 2 single born KY father KY mother KY
Jerry S. brother W M Oct 1880 19 single born KY father KY mother KYfarmer literate English own free farm
Census 1910 U.S. Census
  Text: Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Greeley Twp., vol. 048, ED 0193, sheet 0123.
Steavens William T head w‎[hite]‎ age 38 married 18 years born Kentucky father KY mother KY speaks English Head Clerk
Nora w‎[ife]‎ 37 married 18 years mother of 8 children, 8 children living, born Kentucky father KY mother KY
Bessie d‎[aughter]‎ 10 single Kentucky father KY mother KY
Henry s‎[on]‎ 16 single Kentucky father KY mother KY teamster
Willard H s‎[on]‎ 13 single Kentucky father KY mother KY laborer
Richard s‎[on]‎ 14 single Kentucky father KY mother KY teamster
Alice d‎[aughter]‎ 7 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Lee s‎[on]‎ 5 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Roger G. s‎[on]‎ 2 single Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Census 1920 census- United States
  Text: Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Greeley Township vol 46 ED 108 sheet 20line 98 Dwelling 424 Family 438
Stevens William w‎[hite]‎ age 48 married literate born Kentucky fatherKY mother KY farmer
Nora w‎[ife]‎ 46 married literate Kentucky father KY mother KY
Richard s‎[on]‎ 24 single literate Kentucky father KY mother KY laborer
Willard s‎[on]‎ 22 single Kentucky father KY mother KY farmer
Alice d‎[aughter]‎ 16 single attended school literate Oklahoma father KYmother KY student
Lee s‎[on]‎ 14 attended school literate Oklahoma father Ky mother KY
Rodger s‎[on]‎ 11 attended school literate Oklahoma father KY mother KY
Erma d‎[aughter]‎ 7 attended school literate Oklahoma father KY motherKY
Census 1930 United States Census
  Text: 1930 United States Census, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Ward 4, 3705 Shields Blvd., Household 298, Family 335
Stevens, William T., Head, O‎[wn]‎, 6000, M, W, age 59, M‎[arried]‎, age 20, no, yes, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 80, yes, Grocery, Grocery Store, 9x91, E, yes
Nora, wife, F, W, age 57, M‎[arried]‎, age 17, no, yes, born Kentucky, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 80, yes, none
Roger G., son, M, W, age 22, S, yes, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, salesman, Grocery, 4590, W, yes
Erma J., daughter, F, W, age 17, S, yes, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, none
Lee, son, M, W, age 25, M‎[arried]‎, age 19, no, yes, born Oklahoma, father Kentucky, mother Kentucky, 86, yes, time keeper, Motor Co., 7x22, W, yes
Ruth, da-in-law, F, W, age 23, M‎[arried]‎ age 17, no, yes, born Oklahoma, father born Missouri, mother born Missouri, 86, yes, none
Ronald L., gr. son, M, W, age 5, S, yes, born Oklahoma, father Oklahoma, mother Oklahoma, 86, yes, none

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Multimedia Object
William Thomas and Nora Gray StevensWilliam Thomas and Nora Gray Stevens  ‎(M52)‎

Multimedia Object
William Thomas Stevens 1954William Thomas Stevens 1954  ‎(M53)‎
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Family with Parents
Richard K. Stevens ‎(I162)‎
Birth 25 September 1850 32 31 , , Kentucky
Death 30 November 1893 ‎(Age 43)‎
1 month
Martha Ann Cotton ‎(I163)‎
Birth 4 November 1850 27 28
Death 12 February 1934 ‎(Age 83)‎ Taylorsville, Spencer, Kentucky

Marriage: 11 February 1870
1 year
William Thomas Stevens ‎(I141)‎
Birth 6 February 1871 20 20 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 28 October 1958 ‎(Age 87)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
20 months
James S. Stevens ‎(I405)‎
Birth 25 September 1872 22 21 Bloomfield, Spencer or Nelson, Kentucky
Burial Bloomfield, , Kentucky
6 months
Minnie Lee Stevens ‎(I406)‎
Birth 5 April 1873 22 22 Terrehaute, Vigo, Indiana
Death Pampa, Gray, Texas
7 years
Jery E. Stevens ‎(I407)‎
Birth 12 September 1880 29 29
Death Louisville, , Kentucky
Family with Nora Gray
William Thomas Stevens ‎(I141)‎
Birth 6 February 1871 20 20 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 28 October 1958 ‎(Age 87)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
3 years
Nora Gray ‎(I142)‎
Birth 18 September 1873 26 22 Mt Eden, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 1 March 1938 ‎(Age 64)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Marriage: 30 April 1891 -- , Spencer, Kentucky
10 months
Edna Stevens ‎(I143)‎
Birth 26 February 1892 21 18 Mt Eden, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 16 January 1989 ‎(Age 96)‎ , Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
2 years
Henry Stevens ‎(I144)‎
Birth 16 May 1894 23 20 Mt. Eden, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 23 September 1960 ‎(Age 66)‎ Enid, , Oklahoma
19 months
Richard Abraham Stevens ‎(I145)‎
Birth 5 December 1895 24 22 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 25 February 1972 ‎(Age 76)‎ Galveston, , Texas
18 months
Willard Hanson Stevens ‎(I146)‎
Birth 13 June 1897 26 23 Shelbyville, Shelby, Kentucky
Death 26 February 1961 ‎(Age 63)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
3 years
Bessie Stevens ‎(I114)‎
Birth 6 June 1900 29 26 Bloomfield, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 18 January 1983 ‎(Age 82)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
3 years
Alice Stevens ‎(I397)‎
Birth 23 April 1903 32 29 Moore, , Oklahoma
Death 31 October 1996 ‎(Age 93)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
2 years
Willie Lee Stevens ‎(I398)‎
Birth 16 April 1905 34 31 Moore, , Oklahoma
Death 31 July 1975 ‎(Age 70)‎
3 years
Rogers Gray Stevens ‎(I399)‎
Birth 1 April 1908 37 34 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Death 19 January 1990 ‎(Age 81)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
5 years
Erma Jane Stevens ‎(I400)‎
Birth 14 October 1912 41 39 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Death 25 December 1990 ‎(Age 78)‎
Family with Ruth Walker
William Thomas Stevens ‎(I141)‎
Birth 6 February 1871 20 20 Van Buren, Spencer, Kentucky
Death 28 October 1958 ‎(Age 87)‎ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Ruth Walker ‎(I228)‎
Death 1967

Marriage: 20 February 1941

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