Finlay Family GenealogyThis GEDCOM was created using PhpGedView Online Genealogy Viewer 2.65 final on 5 January 2004Individuals | | Males | 3604 49.42% | Females | 3674 50.38% | Total surnames | | Families | | Sources | | Media objects | | Other records | 115 | Total events | 24650 | Total users | 11
| Earliest birth year | | John MARLAR (I6378) Birth about 1348 , Kelvedon, Essex, England Death after 1389 (Age 41) Kelvedon, Essex, England | Latest birth year | | This information is private and cannot be shown. | Earliest death year | | John MARLAR (I6378) Birth about 1348 , Kelvedon, Essex, England Death after 1389 (Age 41) Kelvedon, Essex, England | Latest death year |
| Billee Kathryn Barton (I116) Birth 1 February 1918 20 17 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA Death 16 February 2010 (Age 92) Austin, Travis, Texas, USA | Person who lived the longest | 138 | John DABY OR DARBY (I1891) Birth 1631 Salem/Stow, Concord, Massachusetts Burial 6 January 1769 (Age 138) | Average age at death | 57 | Males: 57 Females: 56 | Family with the most children | 20 | Richard STOUT + Penelope KENT OR LENT (VAN PRINCIN) (F214) Marriage 1644 Monmouth, Red Bank, New Jersey | Average number of children per family | 1.45 | |
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14 February 2025 - 11:58:05pm
Hit Count:
Record | GIVN | Date |  | Event |
Barton, Edna Father: Barton, William Coleman Mother: Ruschek, Bertha | Edna | 14 February 1885 | 140 | Birth |
BLOOD, Mary Father: BLOOD, Robert Mother: WILLARD, Elizabeth | Mary | 14 February 1723 | 302 | Death |
Burt, Elizabeth Father: Burt, Henry Mother: MARCH, Eulalia | Elizabeth | 14 February 1691 | 334 | Death |
CHRISTENSEN, Dorthe (Dorthea Christine) Father: CHRISTENSEN, Christen Mother: NEILSEN, Else Marie | Dorthe (Dorthea Christine) | 14 February 1879 | 146 | Burial |
Coles, Alice | Alice | 14 February 1651 | 374 | Burial |
Corn, Marian Father: Corn, John Peter Mother: Parr, Hannah Elizabeth | Marian | 14 February 1902 | 123 | Death |
Corn, Mary Ann Father: Corn, John Peter Mother: Parr, Hannah Elizabeth | Mary Ann | 14 February 1890 | 135 | Death |
Farthing, Stephen J. Father: Farthing, William Watkins Mother: Hallyburton, Polly White (Mary) Adams, Margaret | Stephen J. | 14 February 1845 | 180 | Marriage |
Hartmann, Jerg Father: Hartmann, Conrad Mother: Breuninger, Anna Margaretha | Jerg | 14 February 1562 | 463 | Christening |
IGGLEDEN, Margaret Father: IGGLEDEN (INGULDEN), Stephen Mother: HAFFENDEN, Sarah | Margaret | about February 1615/16 (February 1616) | 409 | Birth |
JOURDAIN, Silvester Father: JURDAINE, John Mother: FRY, Thomazine | Silvester | 14 February 1564 | 461 | Christening |
JOURDAIN, Silvester Father: JURDAINE, John Mother: FRY, Thomazine | Silvester | 14 February 1564 | 461 | Birth |
MENDENHALL, Benjamin Father: MENDENHALL, Thomas Mother: STROADS, Joan | Benjamin | 14 February 1662 | 363 | Birth |
NIELSEN, Johanne Father: BERTELSEN, Niels Mother: SIMONSEN, Dorthe | Johanne | 14 February 1749 | 276 | Birth |
NIELSEN, Simon Father: BERTELSEN, Niels Mother: SIMONSEN, Dorthe JENSEN, Anne | Simon | 14 February 1777 | 248 | Marriage |
NUTTING, Deborah Father: NUTTING, John Mother: EGGLESTON, Sarah | Deborah | before February 1728/29 (February 1729) | 296 | Death |
PEARSON, John Father: PEARSON, John Mother: (unknown), Dorcas PICKARD, Mary | John | 14 February 1670 | 355 | Marriage |
PEDERSEN, Hans Father: MARQVORSEN, Peder Mother: NIELSEN, Johanne | Hans | 14 February 1875 | 150 | Burial |
SAWYER, Phinehas WHITCOMB, Hannah Father: WHITCOMB, William Mother: DABY, Hannah | Phinehas | 14 February 1771 | 254 | Marriage |
SCOTT, Ursula (Ursuala) Father: SCOTT, Henry Mother: WHATLOCK (WHOTLOCK), Martha | Ursula (Ursuala) | 14 February 1598 | 427 | Christening |
SCOTT, Ursula (Ursuala) Father: SCOTT, Henry Mother: WHATLOCK (WHOTLOCK), Martha | Ursula (Ursuala) | 14 February 1596 | 429 | Birth |
Seward, John | John | 14 February 1654 | 371 | Birth |
SNOW, Ebenezer Father: SNOW, John Mother: GREENE, Mary | Ebenezer | February 1703/04 (February 1704) | 321 | Burial |
SPOFFORD, Sarah Father: SPOFFORD, John Mother: SCOTT, Elizabeth | Sarah | 14 February 1713 | 312 | Death |
Terrell, Alice Father: Terrell, Richard Coleman "RC" Mother: Baker, Martha | Alice | 14 February 1851 | 174 | Birth |
WHITCOMB, Jonathan Father: WHITCOMB, John Mother: COGGAN, Frances | Jonathan | 14 February 1628 | 397 | Birth |
(unknown), Elizabeth | Elizabeth | 14 February 1675 | 350 | Death |
| Total events: 27 | | |
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